Swim Rafts
Features & Options Include:
Sits low to the water; four aluminum tubes make the raft very stable
Available in three sizes: 7'x8', 7'x10', 7'x12'
Choice of flooring includes premium marine carpet (blue or grey) OR marine vinyl (tan or grey)
Marine-grade plydeck deck carries a limited lifetime warranty
Removable three-step aluminum ladder with wide non-slip steps comes standard; additional ladders are $275* MSRP; four-step ladder $318* MSRP
​Optional snap-on mooring cover (choice of flat or tented with vented center pole), starting at $377* MSRP for the flat mooring cover
Approximate weight is 230 lbs. for the 7′ x 8′ raft
Weight capacity of the 7'x8' swim raft is 800 lbs. based on equal distribution of weight
Four mooring eyes are used to anchor the raft. Click here for our swim raft anchoring diagram for complete instructions on how to properly anchor our swim rafts
MSRP IS $2,230* for the 7′ x 8′ raft; $2,660* MSRP for 7′ x 10′; $3,165* MSRP for 7′ x 12′
Please note that our swim rafts are not intended for rough waters, salt or brackish water, or any body of water with a moving current.
*Swim rafts are available through authorized dealers only. Freight, prep, tax, documentation or other fees may be added by the dealer. See dealer for actual selling price.
Please visit Raftek for drink holders and decoys for your swim raft.
Color Choices

Blue Carpet

Grey Carpet

Grey Vinyl

Tan Vinyl